Local News

Greens engage Southampton public on air quality

01 July 2018

After the city's second successful Clean Air Day, local Greens took to the streets talking to Southampton shoppers and visitors on how to curb air pollution and protect residents from the health risks associated with poor air quality.

Clean Air Day Pictures

21 June 2018

Thanks to Joe Hudson who caught the community event in Guildhall Square on Midsummer's day.

Southampton Clean Air Day

20 June 2018

Thursday 21st June at Guildhall Square

Greens could do better.

06 May 2018

The 2018 local elections were a unique year for Southampton. No party gained or lost in total, yet both main party leaders lost their seats.

Successful tribute ride to the many cyclists killed on Southampton roads.

08 April 2018

Katherine Barbour of Southampton & District Green Party and Southampton Cycle Campaign successfully planned the latest tribute ride around Southampton and spoke to the many cyclists prior to the lengthy route around the city.

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