Local News

Student Finance

04 March 2015

The first in a series of articles in the run-up to the general election focussing on key Green Party policies of relevance to the local area.

Ian Callaghan to Stand in Romsey & Southampton North

27 February 2015

An historical first - Green Party candidate is standing in Romsey and Southampton North.

Angela Supporting our local Libraries

26 February 2015

Our local libraries are a huge asset to our communities acting as a hub for much community activity and a resource for information and of course books ! Here Angela talks about her passion for reading and the importance of defending our libraries currently under threat due to central government cuts. Across our city these precious facilities are under threat lets all get behind them and together ensure they continue to provide for their local communities.

Angela Mawle PPC Southampton Test

23 February 2015

The Green Party is excited to announce Angela Mawle as their candidate to fight the Southampton Constituency at the General Election on May 7th. Angela is a life long Southampton resident with a passion for healthy living and the impact a healthy environment can play in promoting healthy lives.

The Greens bring the Green Surge to Eastleigh

21 February 2015

With Green Party membership nearing the 65,000 mark nationwide, this certainly seems to be the case.

Green Drop in Session

20 February 2015

This is an opportunity to discuss local Hampshire and National issues prior to the 2015 election.

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