Local News

Greens have tripled share of vote in Southampton.

10 May 2015

2015 Elections give a big boost to Southampton's Green Party and supporters.


19 April 2015

Stalls, music and plenty to talk about.

Green Party Local Candidates Announced - with an Historic Full Slate for Southampton

09 April 2015

Looking forward to a record number of votes candidates in Southampton and surrounding areas are making the difference.

Southampton - Gateway to the World

01 April 2015

We have a proud history as a maritime port that reaches out the hand of friendship to those who arrive and find themselves in need. A tradition the Green Party is proud to support in this election as the thoughts of others turns to closed borders and a hostility towards immigrants.

University of Southampton should uphold - International Law and the State of Israel Conference

01 April 2015

Southampton & District Green Party are shocked that a major conference where delegates, public and students are to discuss international events and procedings is set to be cancelled.

Local Greens Join Lucas Campaign

29 March 2015

The group joined a number of others in door to door canvassing, and leafleting. Our local representatives took the task of running a stall situated in a central market, and here is where they were later joined by Caroline Lucas herself.

Activist petition's OFCOM

22 March 2015

Green Party member did not accept OFCOM decision and neither did 2000 online associates.

Local Greens Head To Conference

15 March 2015

A number of our local Green Party Activists recently headed to our Spring Conference in Liverpool. It was a fantastic event and they came back enthused and ready to take our distinctive message to the people in the upcoming campaign.

Local Candidates Criticise Harsh Sanctions Regime

11 March 2015

Local PPC candidates Angela Mawle and Ian Callaghan robustly criticise the high rate of benefit sanctions imposed within the Hampshire region.

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