Local News


26 April 2022

Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay visited Portswood and Bitterne Park to meet Green Party candidates Katherine Barbour and Helen Makrakis this Tuesday afternoon. Adrian was keen to hear about local concerns. In both wards the Liberal Democrats are standing down to help the Greens get elected. Getting Green Councillors will change the nature of the debate in the City Council, bringing badly needed new ideas for the benefit of all in Southampton.

Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay to visit Southampton to meet local candidates and volunteers on Tuesday.

25 April 2022

Adrian Ramsay, Co-leader of the Green Party, will visit The Southampton and District Green party on Tuesday 26th April 2022 from 15:00 at Bitterne Triangle. Adrian is looking forward to meeting local Green Party supporters, volunteers and candidates working hard in the build up to the Southampton City Council elections on 5th May 2022.

Greens plan to create thousands of jobs through retrofit revolution

12 April 2022

In the run up to the local elections in May, the party has said there has never been a more important moment to elect Greens who will work hard to help their community deal with the cost-of-living crisis while tackling the climate emergency and reducing inequality.

Peaceful protest outside Conservative Party offices

15 January 2022

Saturday afternoon saw around 40 protesters demonstrating outside the Itchen Conservative HQ in Dean Rd Southampton.

Sheep on a Hillside

Best Wishes for 2022

06 January 2022

To start the New Year off we wish everyone the best for 2022. Your New Year card comes with a list of very useful numbers. Please stay safe and help look after everyone.

Southampton Green Party responds to the Council’s quest for waterfront ideas.

24 September 2021

Now that the council is again stuck for ideas on how to progress in making the Royal Pier part of the City's access to the waterfront, the party is proposing that the Council at least commission a physical safeguarding assessment for a wind turbine having a blade tip at 248m high and sited near the end of the Royal Pier.

Winchester Rd Souithampton

Government Funding for Southampton at Risk

03 August 2021

This summer we have seen cycle routes and people-friendly traffic free zones removed from Southampton's streets. This is being done with little consultation with those who actually used and benefited from them. Conservative government ministers have warned that 'Councils which rip out cycle lanes or low-traffic neighbourhoods before giving them a chance to work or without evidence they are failing could lose future central government funding.

Eat Sleep Picnic Repeat.

29 June 2021

Our perennial picnic is again at Frogs Copse. Let's hope any showers blow away from the copse and down onto the airport.

Greens give support for Airport High Court battle

19 June 2021

After the decision by Eastleigh Borough Council to allow for the extension of Southampton Airport runway, the last challenge to the decision is to take the application to the High Court of England and Wales.

A meadow in the city.

Local Greens are contributing to a nationwide petition to ban plastic grass

27 May 2021

Many people are already aware how damaging plastic grass is for the environment as it leaves particles in the surrounding soil which could be left for centuries. Plastic grass, formed from petrochemicals, does not decompose although it does break down and look shoddy after years of use.

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