Local News

Southampton Green Party to sign Clean Air Manifesto

26 April 2019

We are delighted to be formally signing the Clean Air Manifesto produced by Clean Air Southampton. The document addresses the appalling state of air on our city and describes measures and action to tackle it effectively.

Tune in to local election hustings on Awaaz Radio 99.8FM

18 April 2019

Southampton Green Party candidates will be talking about local election issues throughout April.

Community Clean Up on Belmont Road

11 April 2019

Green Party activists and local residents came out to clean up a street in Portswood on Sunday 7th April 2019.

Community Clean Up in Kent Road

18 March 2019

Last weekend saw Southampton and District Green Party lead another successful community clean up, this time focusing on Kent Road.

Coxford by-election candidate to be local Green activist Cara Sandys

20 February 2019

Southampton Green Party is delighted to announce that Cara Sandys will be the candidate in Coxford at the forthcoming election caused by the resignation of Keith Morrell.

Clean Air Zone consultation

25 January 2019

Clean Air Zone was discussed at the Cabinet meeting held in the Guildhall on Tuesday 22nd January 2019. The meeting was called to ratify the proposals made at the scrutiny meeting on creating a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) in the city.

Southampton & District Green Party Selects Parliamentary Candidates

17 January 2019

The possibility of a snap General Election looks increasingly likely. This will be triggered as a result of the mess the Tories are getting the country into. In preparation, Southampton and District Green Party have selected Parliamentary candidates for 2 Southampton constituencies.

Green Party activists speak at 1st major Green Resistance Demonstration.

16 January 2019

Katherine Barbour and John Spottiswoode address a large crowd of protesters during a demonstration against the inaction of Southampton City Council to curb the extreme air pollution in the City.

Local Energy Supplying Initiative


23 October 2018

Southampton and District Green Party are calling for everyone in Southampton and the surrounding area to switch their energy supplier to one that generates their own 100% green energy from renewables. Wind power and solar are becoming the cheapest energy sources around so it now also makes financial sense for those on low incomes.

The Green Resistance

13 October 2018

Southampton and District Green Party have created a new campaigning arm called ‘The Green Resistance’ which will seek to join with others in Southampton to push in an active and direct way for positive environmental improvements.

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