Southampton & District Green Party Selects Parliamentary Candidates

17 January 2019

The possibility of a snap General Election looks increasingly likely. This will be triggered as a result of the mess the Tories are getting the country into. In preparation, Southampton and District Green Party have selected Parliamentary candidates for 2 Southampton constituencies.


John Spottiswoode for Southampton Itchen

John has been a County Councillor and has been an environmental campaigner since the 90s. People will recognise him as he has stood for parliament before. John wants to give the Southampton Itchen constituents the chance to vote Green and show they are concerned about the plight of the planet following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. This report explains, there is very little time left to change direction, before catastrophic climate change becomes a reality.

The Green Party differs from the other main parties in that it believes if we continue the way we
are, we will see catastrophic climate change. This is concluded by both the IPCC and the esteemed David Attenborough. Both of whom state that we have to change the way we do things. The Green Party has developed a set of policies that offers the changes needed in society aimed at sustainability and low impact living.







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