Local News

New campaign launched to oppose expansion of Southampton Airport

12 September 2019

Southampton residents can help by signing the AXO (Airport eXpansion Opposition) campaign's petition against the expansion of Southampton Airport

Introducing “anarchy” to the Green Party

02 August 2019

Louise Cullen made an appearance at Southampton Green Party at the July members’ meeting to put a few facts straight around ‘anarchy’ as well as explaining how it is universally relevant, especially in the current political climate.

Breathing Spaces - Southampton

26 June 2019

Breathing Spaces is a community project based in the St Denys area. At it's heart, the project has a focus on clean air, liveable streets and increased health and wellbeing.

Last chance to have your say on UK's aviation future

17 June 2019

Please respond to the Aviation 2050 consultation as soon as possible to help us stop a climate-damaging aviation strategy across the UK.

Green Party MEP candidate visits Southampton as part of region-wide tour

22 May 2019

Members of the Green Party gathered in Southampton yesterday to meet MEP candidate Jan Doerfel to canvass opinions and hand out leaflets ahead of the European elections on Thursday.

Greens bring “Stop Brexit” electric bus to Southampton ahead of European elections

18 May 2019

Residents of Southampton are invited to meet European candidate Jan Doerfel on Tuesday, 21 May. Jan will be accompanied by the big Green electric bus decorated with Green Party messages to stop Brexit.

Green Party MEP candidates visit Southampton

07 May 2019

Alex Phillips and Vix Lowthion, Green Party candidates for European Parliament, visited members in St Denys on Saturday (4th May) to discuss key issues in their European campaigns as well as local matters around Southampton.

Southampton Green Party sees city-wide rise in support at local election

07 May 2019

Voters across Southampton city have shown their support for their local Green Party as vote shares increase in last week's local election results.

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