Local News

Southampton Green Party aiming for first

09 May 2021

Some feedback from the local party on the election results.

Greens call for LibDem boycott after Decision Day.

10 April 2021

Members of the Green Party in Southampton are today mourning the decision made by the Liberal Democrat council in Eastleigh to agree to the extension of the runway.

PRESS RELEASE: Greens support call for ‘State of Nature’ amendment in Environment Bill

01 April 2021

The Green Party has reiterated a call for a ‘State of Nature’ clause being included in the delayed Environment Bill which would require the government to set a legally binding target of 2030 to halt and reverse the decline of nature.

St Denys gets a spring clean

29 March 2021

Sunday afternoon saw a few people working off their lunches with a socially distanced community clean up. Households covered Kent Road, Belgrave corner, the area under the two bridges and Saltmead and its playground.

A good preliminary decision for Southampton Airport.

27 March 2021

Members of the Green Party in Southampton are this morning pleased about the decision to refuse the extension of the runway.

Southampton Greens demand action to improve air quality

25 March 2021

We have known for years that there are at least 110 premature deaths in Southampton every year due to air pollution [1], and thousands more whose health suffers badly due to it.

Southampton Greens demand more help for residents retrofitting their homes with energy efficient accessories and insulating fixtures.

06 March 2021

Southampton and District Green Party were disappointed that the Chancellor had not put Climate Change more central to his spring budget; they are now calling on both central government and local government to consider more assistance for retrofitting homes in the City.

Southampton & District Green Party call for a universal basic income for the UK.

25 October 2020

The pandemic has shown the inadequacy of the government to help many families and children during the current pandemic. Now is the time to roll out a basic income for everyone which will help provide the basic essentials, especially during times of crises.

Green Campaigner’s Support for Green City and Place Member.

14 September 2020

There has been an aggressive onslaught against cabinet member for green city and place, Councillor Steve Leggett. Unreasonable accusations have been fired off from the local Tory Party leader Cllr Dan Fitzhenry who is intending to seek derision during a period of experimentation for Southampton’s transport strategy.

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