Local News

Demonstration by Greens

18 February 2023

Sewage worries continue into 2023

18 December 2022

This week's revelation that high levels of the E.coli bacteria have been detected during the month of November by the Clean Harbour Partnership (CHP) in both Langstone and Chichester coastal harbours will be a worry to Southampton residents.

Southampton Greens are calling for £1 bus fares.

07 December 2022

Southampton Green Party is calling for people to support and sign the e-petition asking the council to subsidise bus fares for everyone...........

Southampton & District Green Party Continue to Support Community Litter Picks.

06 November 2022

Sunday afternoon there was a gap in the weather during which the local Green Party took the opportunity to help Portswood residents in and around Thackery Road to clean up their neighbourhood.

Local man reaches top rung.

25 October 2022

Southampton Greens today remarked on the announcement that Rishi Sunak became leader of the Conservative Party and is now taking the helm as Prime Minister in a leadership race that no other Tory MP really wanted to put themselves forward in.

New Prime Minister with 1980s policies.

07 September 2022

Southampton residents will be overwhelmed with the sky high bills this autumnal period.


20 July 2022

The afternoon after UK temperature records were smashed with the hottest temperatures on record, recorded in Coningsby in eastern England, a group of climate protesters presented themselves outside the Southampton Civic building prior to the full Council monthly meeting.

Southampton & District Green Party thank Green voters.

16 May 2022

To those brave voters who supported us this year in an election where we orchestrated a deal with the City’s Lib Dems and whereby we had hoped to clinch a City Council seat; we truly thank you.

Cost of living crisis

04 May 2022

Many Southampton city residents are finding it tough to balance their budgets mainly due to rising prices which began to escalate back in February this year. The impacts have been made much worse by government tax hikes and lower than inflation benefit rises. This is putting thousands in Southampton unnecessarily into serious hardship.

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