Southampton Greens believe prosecutions of individuals will help clean up waterways.

18 December 2022


Last week's revelation that high levels of the E.coli bacteria have been detected during the month of November by the Clean Harbour Partnership (CHP) in both Langstone and Chichester coastal harbours will be a worry to Southampton residents.

In 2021 Southern Water were fined a record £90m for breaching pollution regulations and it appears they are still prepared to risk high sums of money in order to continue with their monolithic business of making money from the wastewater removal and treatment.

Last month the 'Kick up a Stink' demonstration on the River Itchen highlighted illegal dumping of sewage into the river. At this time of year voluntary groups, in the main, limit pollution testing of coastal waters as few people choose to bath and perhaps funds are limited overall.

Katherine Barbour, who is standing for council in Portswood next year, attended the demonstration and still has concerns that her local water treatment works may be breaking the law.

She said ' as a paddle boarder and cold water swimmer for the past ten years I do fear that Southern Water have no regard for swimmers and those using the tidal estuary for leisure purposes throughout the winter season. '

'The record fines handed out now have been proven not to be a deterrent against Southern Water from dumping sewage and risking the health of those in and on the water, perhaps it is time that criminal charges be brought against those individuals responsible.'







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