Southampton & District Green Party Constitution (Amended March 2024)


1.1 The name of the local party shall be as Southampton & District Green Party, hereafter referred to as “the party”.

1.2 The party is a constituent part of The Green Party of England & Wales and is subject to its rules and constitution.

1.3 The geographical area of the party is currently the City of Southampton.

1.4 The party is also part of the South East Region.


2.1 The object of the party is to promote the aims of The Green Party of England and Wales as stated in its Constitution:

  1. a) to develop and implement ecological policies consistent with the Philosophical Basis of the Party as expressed in the Manifesto for a Sustainable Society;
  2. b) to that end to win seats at all levels of government;
  3. c) to organise any non-violent activity which will publicise and further these aims.


3.1 The membership consists of all national Green Party members resident within the geographical area of the party.

3.2 Members may not be a member of another political party (other than Green Parties abroad) at the same time. Should a member join another political party then they immediately cease to be a member of the party.


3.3 The party will seek to resolve any disputes between members through discussion and conciliation. The Dispute Resolution Committee could be consulted and may be involved if considered appropriate. However, the party has the right and responsibility to take disciplinary action (including suspension or expulsion from the party) against any local member who has acted against the aims and agreed policies of the group or brought it into disrepute. Such decisions can only be made at a properly constituted, in quorum monthly meeting where advance notice of the matter has been given. The national disciplinary procedures shall be used for national members.

3.4 Should a situation arise in which a member is in such conflict with the branch that outside agencies such as Disputes Resolution Committee are unable to resolve the situation, then a vote may be taken to exclude that member, so that (s)he would be unbranched and thus unable to attend local party meetings.

This action could take place at either an EGM or the AGM.


The local party needs to elect a Local Party contact, a coordinator, a treasurer, membership secretary, press officer and a nominating officer. It will need to decide what officers to elect in addition to these such as secretary, chairperson, etc.

4.1 The party shall elect an Executive Committee (OR its Officers) at the AGM. These must include a Local Party Contact, a Coordinator, a Treasurer, and a Nominating Officer.

4.2 Nominations shall be proposed and seconded, and won by a simple majority vote. Any member can ask for a secret ballot.

4.3 The AGM has the discretion not to fill posts other than the four named above if no suitable nominations are forthcoming or to propose the merging of posts or the creation of other posts with the agreement of a simple majority.

4.4 Should any member of the Executive Committee fail to attend three consecutive monthly meetings without good reason or apology, the party may co-opt another person to act in their place.

4.5 In the event of a vacancy an officer may be co-opted at the next monthly meeting.

4.6 Officers may be de-selected at an AGM or EGM.


5.1 The business of the party shall be decided and managed by monthly meetings open to all members (and potential new members). Business meetings shall normally be on the second Wednesday of each month, but at the end of each meeting we decide when the next one shall be. Business meeting will be targeted at the officers for their actions and written reports, all the members are encouraged to attend these meetings and make their thoughts known .Socials will be held on on the 4th Wednesday of the month. The socials organiser will decide which months to have them in and the venues we use.

5.2 Motions should be proposed and seconded, and will be carried by a simple majority vote of members present.

5.3 Members should be notified of any motions relating to policy at least one week before the meeting to discuss the issue.

5.4 Only members of the party will be entitled to vote. Those unable to attend may make their views known to the meeting, either in writing or through representation by another member, but only those in attendance will be entitled to vote.

5.5 The monthly business meeting will be deemed to be in quorum if there are 3 or more paid up members in attendance and of whom one must be an executive officer.

5.6 Attendance and business conducted at meetings shall be recorded in minutes to be approved by the next meeting.

5.7 Notice of business meetings should be given in writing (email) one week before,  followed by a reminder (email) on the morning of the meeting. Notice for AGM and EGM shall remain the same as one month before. A draft agenda will be circulated at least one week in advance of each meeting, together with the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes are circulated on the activist email list currently managed by the Coordinator. Anyone can suggest additional items for the agenda in advance of or at the start of the meeting.

5.8 In the event of a decision needing to be made before a monthly meeting, an emergency decision may be made by agreement of a simple majority of three members including at least one officer. This decision must be ratified by the next monthly meeting.

5.9 Working groups may be set up to discuss specific issues such as transport policy, election strategy literature updating etc. Any decision shall be ratified by the monthly meeting. All members can attend these groups.


6.1 Every year an AGM shall be held for the purposes of: (a) Presentation of a report of work which has been carried out over the year

(b) Presentation of a financial statement for the year

(c) Election of the Executive Committee OR Officers

(d) Agreeing the cheque signatories

(e) Reviewing strategy and setting goals for the following year and beyond.’

(f) Any other business on the agenda (to be determined in the same way as for a monthly meeting).

6.2 The Chair shall be taken by a nominated person as agreed by members attending the monthly business meeting prior to the AGM.

6.3 All members of the party who are present have one vote each, and resolutions must have the support of a simple majority.

6.4 Notice of the AGM shall be given at least one month prior to the meeting and any motions for consideration shall be submitted in writing to the Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

6.5 The Agenda will be circulated in advance at least one week prior to the meeting.

6.6 The Chair has the right to rule on the admissibility of any emergency motions put forward.

6.7 The quorum of an AGM shall be 5% of members of the party including two officers.

6.8 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on a particular agenda may be called on the request of the monthly meeting or at least 3 members of the party. The same general rules apply to EGMs as to AGMs.


The Green party supports officer job shares. If an officer's post is to be job shared, those officers selected to do the task should meet and decide how the responsibility is to be shared. This should be formalised in writing and presented to the committee.

7.1 At least one of those officers should attend the meetings to report.

7.2 If one of those officers is unable to undertake their responsibility, they should seek to find alternative arrangements as soon as possible.

7.3 If it is clear that an officer is no longer able to do the task and this is affecting the functioning of the party, then the committee of officers without recourse to a main meeting may step in and co-opt some one else to take on the role.


8.1 The Treasurer shall collect or arrange the collection of all money due to the party and shall receive all donations to the party and shall be the custodian thereof.

8.2 The Treasurer will arrange payment of any bills incurred by the party, and will notify the group if it is in danger of becoming overdrawn.

8.3 All money drawn from the party’s bank account shall be signed by two authorised persons from a list of at least three, to be agreed at the AGM.

8.4 Wherever possible, funds will be held by a banking organisation with a policy of ethical investment acceptable to the membership (such as Triodos, Cooperative Bank, Ecological Building Society).

8.5 Members, Ward Parties and Working Groups may incur expenditure on behalf of the party provided prior approval is obtained from a monthly meeting, subject to certification by the Treasurer that there are sufficient funds to cover it.

8.6 Any affiliation fees to another organisation or donations to another group must have the approval of a monthly meeting.


9.1 For selection of parliamentary candidates national rules must be followed.

9.2 For selection of local authority candidates - the nominations officer and one other Executive Officer must both sanction a potential candidate prior to them standing.


10.1 Members intending to issue material in the name of the Local Party (whether written or electronic), must ensure that such material is approved by the Committee or at a monthly meeting.

10.2 An imprint, bearing the name of the Election Agent, shall appear on all publicity.

10.3 Members and Elected members undertaking to represent the Party in the media or on public platforms must ensure that they communicate its agreed policy and promote the party name as much as possible.

10.4 Letters to the press should be approved by a member of the Committee.


This constitution can only be altered by an AGM or EGM of the party. Amendments to this constitution require advance notice.

  1. WINDING UP The party may cease to exist or join with other local Green Parties, only by agreement of an EGM or AGM. In the event of the party being wound up, the balance of funds shall be transferred to The Green Party of England and Wales. In the event of the party becoming defunct, national rules apply.


Advance notice Some business requires advance notice. This is written or email notification to the entire membership eligible to vote at the meeting. For an AGM or EGM it shall be sent 15 days before the meeting. For a monthly meeting it shall be 7 days. Motions requiring advance notice may not be substantially amended at the meeting.


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