The fire at Millbrook Old Cemetery reported by us early August meant the ten trees pictured in the linked article had to be felled.
Now there is a bleak almost dystopic scene left in one corner of the cemetery where the area probably is being used to hoard grass cuttings away from the trees, meaning fire risks in hot weather might not be quite so worrying. Read more.

Barrie Margetts to stand in Shirley by-election
Due to the resignation of a Councillor in Shirley ward a by-election has been called for the 10th October.
Barrie Margetts (pictured), has been selected to stand for the Green Party and has an excellent work record in Southampton as a previous Councillor and as a Professor at University of Southampton. Read More

Southampton members join Unity Rally.
Members of the Southampton Green Party attended the Unity Rally at Southampton Bargate on Saturday in solidarity. Standing to say “No more” to those who push racist, Islamophobic, anti-refugee, anti-semitic and xenophobic views. Read More.

Aftermath of fire at Old Millbrook cemetery
At the end of July fire broke out in the Millbrook Old Cemetery where the fire brigade attended and thankfully extinguished the blaze in one corner of the site. Read More