Waste Collection Chaos





January saw the introduction of a new waste collection system as the council gears up for increasing the range of items that can be collected.  Food waste will soon be collected.




Sadly, the Council, although it completed a consultation with Unite and Unison unions, is now getting its fingers burnt as a few members of staff are not happy with the shift to a new working pattern.

Historically waste operatives did a task and finish style of working, they would run from street to street and finish by 2pm and then go home to play cards, collect the kids from school, do another job or whatever they fancied. Now they are being expected to stay at work until 4pm and so a few are working to rule.

This issue occurred in Birmingham and women were able to take equal pay claims against the council resulting in huge bills for the local tax payer.  Southampton is trying to avoid this.

Today residual waste is being collected with a small delay but recycling is getting further behind each week.  Streets are starting to look a state and other work that was being with errant bin owners has had to be suspended.

Cllr Katherine Barbour does a weekly email to all the residents who have raised issues about this work to rule by a few staff and is in regular contact with the waste management team.




  • In February 15,000 bins across the city failed to be emptied and in March 10,000 were reported as missed collections. 
  • If you would like an issue followed up please email k.barbour@southampton.gov.uk
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