Looking for a warm reception on a cold day

25 November 2017

Some of our canvassing team. Helped along by the news a Green Councillor had been elected to a Herefordshire County Council seat, Southampton Greens briskly worked their way through a couple of hundred residencies in St Denys this frosty morning.  Four members of the team chatted to voters and left, 'sorry we missed you slips' where residents were not available to have a conversation with.

Katherine Barbour, the party's candidate this next election was emphatic about the traffic situation around St Denys, she said,

  'Residents continue to raise the issue of traffic speeding along narrow     roads in St Denys -  the  whole  area needs a 20mph speed limit or Home   Zones installed.  this will make Southampton a great place to live.'

Much disillusionment with the Tories means many residents were happy to chat, but can this work be converted to votes in 2018?  There still is plenty of time for chasing voters and hearing their political viewpoint. 

The never ending hope that the political climate will change giving attention to the Greens with their more caring and environmental politics is one thing we have to cling to. 

 Lets hope Southampton Green Party finally get their first elected representative in Spring next year. 




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