
We must protect the people that protect our children. Cuts to children’s service are unacceptable and we must make this a spending priority in the local council. By involving the local community we can prevent harm. We are failing our young people in terms of housing, education, and mental health at present and The Green Party want to ensure that young people are given the best possible start in life. We need to stop stereotyping our young people, and acknowledge their voice and their needs.


Southampton City Council and their social services have been criticised by Ofsted in the past two years following a series of Serious Case Reviews. Although the recent Ofsted report cited improvements there is still a long way to go to bring the services up to ‘Outstanding’, which is what the city of Southampton, its inhabitants and its young people deserve.

Much of these failures can be put down to successive council administrations and the way they have managed and paid the social worker teams. During 2011, industrial action was taken by social services staff in opposition to the Conservative plans to implement a 5.5% cut in wages. We must protect the people that protect our children.

There is a lack of suitable accommodation for vulnerable young people in Southampton. And where there is accommodation provided there is no security of tenure. The third sector do a fantastic job of supporting homeless young people but more needs to be done at a statutory level to prevent young people becoming homeless. Too many young people do not have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.



We will:

  • Oppose cuts to children’s services and will increase funding to make the services one of the top spending priorities in the council.
  • Look to increase access to suitably managed accommodation for young people both through the council property portfolio and with enhanced co-operation with the third sector.
  • Provide greater provision for education, employment and training for young people in the city, particularly the most vulnerable, such as care leavers and prison leavers.
  • Encourage greater community involvement in supporting our young people to end the stereotypes that surround them. This will include awareness campaigns around the signs of abuse and signs of mental health problems.
  • Increase the Independent Visitor Volunteer Scheme as well as other volunteer opportunities in the city. 
  • Strengthen the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) launched by the council in response to the Ofsted report.
  • Provide greater provision for children with mental health needs through improving the capacity of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in Southampton.